Whole Person Health and Spirituality
“Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.”
— Antonio Machado
Harvesting the honeycombs
Ancient systems of healing and wisdom traditions have developed within many cultures across the globe. As an integrative practice, we have various ways of incorporating the use of many of those modalities in ways that serve you best.
Based on your interest and what you may already be using, we suggest and incorporate mental wellness supportive practices such as yoga, mind-body medicine, creative therapies. We also collaborate with integrative practitioners such as acupuncturists to create and nurture a whole body-mind-spirit healing experience for you.
The hidden river of your spiritual inner life
Inside all of us there lies a microcosm that remains hidden from the rest of the outer world. Like a river that runs beneath a city, your inner life runs unseen beneath work, family, pleasure, pain, and desire.
The helter-skelter world of modernity places many demands on you – the rush to get an education, to make a career, to raise a family, to find material success, to survive, to exist, simply to function on a daily basis.
Amidst this chaos, these expectations can overshadow that hidden world.
And as you grow older, this vivid inner universe retreats further inward, where eventually it slumbers, lying dormant until some event calls it forth.
Where Spirit and Soul Meet and Dance
Spirit, for us, is a given. It is the wellspring for life itself – what we are connected to and part of. From the place of spirit, we enter this world with eyes still reflecting its vastness and mystery.
Through your attentiveness to spirit, you can witness this well-spring. The experience of spirit is not reserved for some, but open and calling to all. It invites you to experience the world as a connected, interdependent oneness where both death and life are a dreamlike process, a part of a greater constancy.
Soul is distinct, separate from spirit. It is your unique energy imprint that resides deep within you.
You experience and inhabit your life through soul. Soul is always leaning in and learning, always fallible. Soul connects and falls in love with the world through an endless variety of experiences. Though this is its strength, it is also its weakness.
Soul is denser than spirit, its gravity bending and distorting the spiritual light.Soul paves the way for you to live in this world.
While spirit seeks to ascend and merge with the Source, Soul longs to descend and experience life. It falls fast and hard into the material world. It merges with the whole of life and in doing so shares in the joy and sorrow of our lived life.
Soul wants to Know Itself. Where spirit is always certain of its path and reality, soul often gets confused and lost along the path. Soul seeks to remember and fulfill its purpose and destiny, the “why it came to be here.”
Spirit, in its constant connection with the Divine, invites Soul to rise up and connect with the Source. Soul on the other hand, tries to pull Spirit downward to merge with the world. It is in the space between this rise and fall and their efforts to integrate, that the dance of meaning, purpose, and passion come to find life in you.
We call this Spiritual Integration Work – the process of actively and consciously pursuing that Soul-Spirit Integration and bringing the knowledge gleaned from it into conscious awareness.
Through doing this work, you come to live with clarity, from your Soul’s purpose, in your Soul’s passion, intentionally creating and manifesting meaning in your life.
Tap into Something New, Something Deeper: Spiritual Integration
To learn more about Spiritual Integration work with us and to experience it for yourself, see our Spiritual Integration page.