How To Prepare For Intuitive Consultation & Post Session Guidance
Intuitive Practice Overview
If you are new to Intuitive Consultation or new to working with me, please review the following notes. Below those you will find specifics on preparing for your session as well as what to expect afterwards.
Confidentiality: Please know that any reading I do for you, any information that comes up or that you share with me I will keep strictly confidential.
Private Situation Related Questions: If there is a situation that you want to keep private, but want some intuitive guidance on, you can still ask me the question with a barebones overview of what the issue is. Even without the private details, I can still read it for you.
Symbols for your Eyes Only: I occasionally may see symbols that have meaning for you, and may not be shown with clarity to me, so I won’t comment on them much except to share them with you. Most people have an aha moment when that happens. It clicks for them right away, or a few days later.
Healing Takes Time: It begins on the energetic level in session. It will continue to unfold in your conscious and subconscious awareness in the days and weeks after. It integrates into your life on a physical and spiritual plane for you based on what your body/ spirit is ready/ able to receive at this time. The continued reflective and creative work you do, as well as ongoing personal processing will support the unfolding and integration of the information.

How to Prepare for an Intuitive Reading and What To Do During:
Be present
- As much as possible, block off this time as exclusively yours.
- Create a quiet, distraction free environment to receive the reading without interruptions.
- Consciously put aside mental worries and checklists as much as possible.
- Turn off your cell phone and leave it in another room.
- During the reading I suggest you either meditate, or sit or lie peacefully during the reading. You can sip tea, take notes, whatever relaxes you to go within and be still.
NOTE: I may occasionally start a reading 5 minutes past appointment time. If it’s taking me unexpectedly longer to clear energy in preparing for a clear reading for you, please be patient, I will be there.
What to do after an Intuitive Reading:
- Reserve time for yourself immediately post-reading for reflection. Insights will continue to unfold.
- Use creative flow activities to help process the reading. Such as journaling, painting, creative work, music, dancing …
- Get embodied with self-care like sleep, nourishing food and water, exercise… all these help the body integrate the information.
- Connect with a friend or confidante. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a friend to talk about the session with, afterwards. Or depending on what comes up, seeking more trained or professional mental health support is always an option. (Not to worry you, usually not needed, but to consider all possibilities here – and I’m happy to guide you with steps if this situation arises).

How to use your audio recording
I provide an audio recording of the session, emailed to you after, unless you decline it. People gain much benefit and further insight as they re-listen to the recording, as the session itself is packed with information, and you may not be able to absorb it all in one sitting.
- Listening to the recording also allows for more energy and healing to continue to unfold.
- You can listen to the recording during a quiet activity such as folding laundry or doing dishes (NOT while driving or operating machinery!) if you do not have the time to listen to it exclusively during your day.
Request for Feedback:
Your feedback for me is of immense value. It helps to continue improving this important offering for you and others like you.
After the reading, I’d love to know…
> How did the content resonate for you?
> How was my presence/ demeanor?
> How was the delivery/ presentation of the material?
> What could be improved?
> What is the impact of the reading in your life over time? (You may need to email this in the weeks after, if you notice anything).