Personal Leadership Development
Anna is under constant pressure…
While looking at the crusty window overlooking the parking lot, Anna exclaimed for the fifth time, “It shouldn’t be so hard to figure this out, to make a decision here!”
As a physician both practicing clinically and running the clinic, she was constantly caught between boss and colleagues.
Her boss was demanding the addition of three more patient intakes each week, while doctors’ schedules were already over-crammed.
While acutely aware of the pain and frustration of her co-physicians, she also understood her boss’s need for accountability to powers at the top of the food chain.
When should one compromise? And when is it time to stand up and say, “Enough”?
When did being a doctor become so murky?
Anna remembered back in medical school when she cared passionately about primary care, disease prevention, public health, and political activism.
Then, life happened. Marriage, children, a house, and student loans of a quarter of a million dollars complicated things. And what do you get? “Servitude,” she quipped.
Tears welled up in Anna’s eyes; for the first time, she felt trapped.
Finding a whole life
As a practicing physician or physician leader, are you struggling with questions about today’s healthcare system and time-harangued society?
As a business executive, do you feel constantly pulled between the financial decisions to expand your profit margins, while supporting your team on the ground?
Where does your personal life play into your professional life? We would like to believe they are separate worlds, each unaffected by the other. They are not!
When you first come in, we will sit down to talk about your life, hopes and dreams, especially those from 10 or 20 years ago. I want to understand what matters to you, what gets you out of bed in the morning, and makes you want to stay in bed.
Together, we will examine the parts that make up your whole life – physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual.
Perhaps one aspect of your life pulls you down. It may be parenting challenges, loss of purpose, lack of clarity about yourself, or simply being lost at sea.
Where did your love of medicine go?
If you are a physician, maybe you have noticed your passion for medicine fading. The flame has been blown out. You feel exhausted, worn out from checking boxes, and lacking time for conversations and listening to patients.
You think, “Am I a weakling for succumbing to these feelings? I am a failure. Maybe I should give this up and become a barista.”
They call it burnout. Let’s call it moral injury. Let’s call it daily wounding of your heart and soul, as you become frustrated with being prevented from practicing medicine the way you were called to practice.
Having a blueprint of your personal vision, mission, and values can propel your life into a powerful, satisfying balance.
Envisioning, planning, manifesting, co-creating
Athletes do it – what’s the finish line? Architects do it before they build the building. It’s called visualization, a prompting of our brains to make it real.
Take a moment to pause and ask yourself, “What brings me joy?” As you ask the question, move through the different aspects of your life. Close your eyes for a minute and sink into this exercise.
What came up? Imagine feeling that joy spilling over into so much more in your life. Being clear about what matters the most to us as people can activate positive feelings in our lives.
Think of yourself as a whole person that includes all aspects of your life: family, job, and your overall sense of integrity and authenticity. Aligning life with your values brings centeredness rather than compromise.
Discovering how to find wholeness
As your Personal Leadership Development Coach, let me support you in creating a powerfully satisfying personal and professional life. Together, let’s achieve a life of balance, one capable of making decisions that honor our values and one guided by your intuition.
Our interactions can consist of guided exercises or a shift in agenda from meeting to meeting. It is your choice. You find the package that best fits you.
Sahana offers a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation. To explore your options, contact her at this site.