Life Transitions and Challenges
Blazing the trail between past and future
Life is a process of continual change – unfolding like a river, life flows continuously forward into a future unknown and unseen.
As you travel your life’s path, you discover and rediscover who you are, what you value, what you believe, and how you live. The past flavors and seasons you. It shapes your perspectives. Your expectations. And who you are.
Your future is a road you pave to kingdoms unseen, and it is from the space of the eternal now or present that you can shape and direct your life’s trajectory.
Life’s transitions and challenges are varied and many.
They could involve moving across culture, class, or income borders. The birth of a child, the death of a loved one, a serious illness that strips you layer by layer, or the loss of a career path or job, marriage. Becoming a first-time parent or having to care for a dying loved one. The list is intimately personal.
These occurrences can split you open. In these spaces, the life you once led can be cut off from you. As your life keeps spinning webs of question marks, your heart keeps widening for change.
Although sometimes it can be difficult to see in the moment, these unexpected crises can be a gift not to be refused – an initiation preparing you for a new life.
These transitions and challenges invite you to heal, nurture, and lean into the mystery of your life. Through therapy, you learn that the wound is the place of transformation; that below the longing, hurt, and pain, you can find the jewels of your life awaiting in caverns deep and places ancient, to be unearthed and brought out as gifts for your authentic self.
Are you lost? You don’t have to be.
If your life has cracked open in some way by either a joy or a sorrow and you find yourself lost in your own becoming, we can help you find your horizon line.
In therapy, or deep relational space, you can find, within the wounds, new horizons of possibility and the blossoming of your inherent inner potential.
When you break pattern and break ground, you learn to rebuild. Leaning into the gravity of change, allowing yourself to feel life shaping you, is to live awake in life.
Life is never-ending change. As you move through these changes, they bend and shape you. Exploring this process can be beneficial in helping you see the patterns and places where you get stuck or react.
You don’t have to navigate change alone.
Often, just having someone to listen and reflect can help you break up old patterns and find new rhythms.
Are you experiencing a season of transitions or challenges?
Sometimes you need a space to survey the landscape of your life, to begin to heal, find direction, and discern what is arriving, as well as what is calling for you to let go.
We can offer you this service through Integrative Psychotherapy or Spiritual Integration Work.
If you would like to learn how to navigate the deeper currents of change, then call us at (253) 300-8923 for a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation.