Integrative Psychotherapy
You know you want your life to be different.
Amaya, a mother running her home and raising her children, feels harried with the pressures of daily life. She wonders where “she” disappeared to, and longs, once again, to find that part of herself drowned out amidst all the daily noise.
Calvin, a leader in his field, takes care of the business of the day on point, but inside feels numb – angry – purposeless. He’s lost his joy, personally and professionally. Desperately, he continues his silent search for that peace and passion he once enjoyed.
What about you?
You’re working hard to navigate life’s transitions.
Across social and class boundaries. Across cultures and borders.
Across phases of life like becoming a parent. Or losing a parent.
Across income levels. Across careers, from manual laborer to intellectual work.
Shifting into different roles and life changes can be hard. It can leave you reeling to find your feet in the swirling waters of your life – always looking very different than they did even moments before.
You want to once again feel like you are standing on firm ground.
Amidst the joys of life, you’ve suffered deep wounds. You need healing – you long to step confidently into the rich and powerful life you know you are capable of.
A pause for stillness, for reflection.
Sometimes, you need to still the waters for a moment and look back at the tapestry of your life.
You may have been raised within a particular religion or faith tradition. Spiritual practice might mean drawing from different faiths into an inter-spiritual way of being in the world.
Or perhaps you identify as humanistic or agnostic. Whatever your spiritual or faith-based perspective, sometimes you need a place to reflect on them and what they mean to you.
You want to better understand how they help you make meaning of your life experiences – how the lens through which you see the world shapes it – which inner force guides your footsteps as you step forward on this journey we call living.
When you take the time to reflect on where you’ve come from and the deeper beliefs that shape and guide your values and life decisions, you can craft your future more actively, with clarity on what matters to you most.
Or perhaps you’ve just been diagnosed with a serious illness and are trying to come to terms with what this means for your life. What changes must happen? What decisions must you make? What does this mean for your loved ones? What support do you need to help make this illness better?
A steady, reliable sounding board can help you find your way – reclaim control.
Within the confines of today’s general health care model, too often you can get caught in the revolving door of a rote, cookie-cutter treatment model.
You won’t find that here. No exercises and worksheets.
Here, you’ll find a genuine partnership, the deeper listening you really need.
If any of the above situations resonate for you, we can promise you this – we offer something far more significant than mere exercises, worksheets, and quick fixes. We offer a deeper kind of healing, change and growth. While only you can do the inner work for yourself, you don’t have to wander the path alone. We can be your guides, holding the lantern to help light the way.
What we do is different.
What you experience is transformative.
If you’re considering psychotherapy, you’re also considering stepping more into your true Self.
That takes courage and commitment.
You’re about to embark on a brave and mysterious adventure. One of self-discovery and healing. And, ultimately, of embracing the joy of alchemical transformation of your life.
We believe in starting first with you, the client. Who are you? What kind of healing work do you need? We want to understand your hopes and dreams, your fears and challenges. How do we come to know that? Through deep listening. Through that openness and warmth, we offer a space to nurture a relationship founded on trust and caring.
We connect with you, one human being to another.
As that connection grows, the results begin to blossom.
Skilled at a range of techniques, we offer highly individualized psychotherapy. The true skill of a therapist is then to blend and weave those styles to fit what you need, not only in the moment, but also over time.
Sometimes, that means focusing on solutions and action steps. At other times, you’ll work on sorting through feelings, emotional reactions, and how that shapes what you do, the decisions you make.
Sometimes, you just want to feel supported and held, like someone is listening and really “gets” you. You want to be seen, heard, and accepted.
And then there are times you want to go deep, do the soul work of enrichment and fulfillment.
We see these aspects of our needs for healing and growth at different times in our own lives, shifting like waves in an ocean, breathing in and breathing out. A skilled therapist knows how to breathe in and breathe out with you, in sync with what you need in that moment.
When you work with us, you’ll feel a shift of energy in the room. True healing happens in the space between us, client and therapist. True healing happens through the medium of the power of words, images, and language that become a soothing balm to your wounds, shifting light in how you see things, how you feel. That shift then moves you forward – closer to where you want to be in your life.
To do that best, we emphasize from the very start, getting to know who you are – your situation, values, motivations, visions – so that, together, we can find solutions, gain insights, and create life-altering, positive change tailored specifically for you.
Start living the life you long for.
Begin that journey today by calling (253) 300-8923 for a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation.
We offer individual, couples, and adolescent/family therapy; and we’re ready to help you take the first steps in the direction of your dreams.